Richard C. Mckeown


Photography - Basic Tips You Need to Know

It is safe to say that photography is one hobby and profession that is growing rapidly growing in popularity. And this can certainly be attributed to the advent of popular social networking sites such as Facebook and Multiply. With such a boom in the industry of photography, sales of related merchandise such as digital camerals and wall photo frame have increased. Now, everyone has been striving to improve their photographic creativity. One of the most important things you need to keep in mind in order to take beautiful pictures is to train your eyes so that it can see things in a different perspective. Here are several basic photography tips that you can in order to improve the quality of your pictures.
  • Always remember to take pictures on the eye level of your subject. So that you can capture those amazing gazes and heartwarming smiles. For smaller subjects such as pets and children, you obviously need to get down in order to capture their eyes. This is a basic photography trick that can make a lot of difference.
  • If taking a picture against background, it is preferable to take it against a plain background. This is to direct the focus of the picture into the subject. Cluttered and busy backgrounds can be distracting, and can take away the emphasis from your subject.
  • For a better shot of the subject, it is recommended that you move in closer. The closer the better, to the point that the subject fills up majority of the frame. With this technique, you will be able to provide more details from the subject to the viewer which makes it more interesting. It is all about the details.
  • When it comes to snapping shots, you need to be quick especially if the subject is something or someone whose movements you have no control like pets or pedestrians. If you are slow, you don't know what interesting moments you are going to miss.
  • When taking pictures outdoors, be sure that you use the fill flash settings on the camera in order to improve the quality of your shots. Bright sunlight tends to cast dark shadows under the eyes and nose especially if the sun is overhead or at the back of your subject. A flash can help to lighten dark shadows.
  • Almost all modern cameras have a focus function and it is usually activated by pressing the shutter button halfway down, and once you have selected your focus, pressing it all the way down will take the shot. This is really helpful in creating sharp images of subjects that are off the center.
  • Sometimes in order to create a more dramatic effect with your pictures, you have to intentionally place your subject off the center. Just imagine your viewfinder to be divided in segments like a tic-tac-toe and place the subject in one of those intersection of lines.
So don't hesitate to take those shots and when you take a picture that you like best, you can immortalize it by having it in wood picture frames. Improving your pictures would take a lot of practice and experimentation, and over time you will surely improve.