Richard C. Mckeown


5 Best Hobbies to Try Before you Reach 50

Some people tend to become satisfied with their daily routine of work, home, work then rest during weekend. Well, these people are sure to be missing out on so many things. Life is too short to be contented in a routine. There are lots of hobbies you can try out and it would be best if you will try these activities before you reach the age of 50 years old or in short while you are young and active. Here are five best hobbies that you should try out:
  1. Photography – this is a hobby of most nature lovers and art lovers as well. Don’t you think it is nice to have all these hanging picture frames in your room and say to yourself and to your guests “these are some of the photos I have shoot” and then give multi picture frames to your friends as gifts for different occasions. Well more than all these perks, photography is really a fun hobby. You can express your feelings or emotions through your photography and you can show either good or bad pictures just to send out your message. This is one real art of expressing yourself and the best thing is you don’t have to speak out directly you can cover yourself behind the lens of your reliable camera and just allow the pictures to say things for you. However, one reminder is that, photography is not really a “cheap” hobby because you have to buy these expensive cameras and lenses as well but nevertheless it is fun so go ahead and seek your luck in photography.
  2. Travelling – one of the most fun hobbies you can discover is travelling. You can travel by land, by sea or by air, it doesn’t really matter for as long as you discover and visit new places you’ve always wanted to visit. This is great to meet new people and a chance to learn about new things in different places. It would be ideal if you could travel at least twice in a year. This is a time consuming hobby but it is definitely worth it.
  3. Diving/ Snorkelling – life underwater is just unbelievably amazing. It would be really great if you get to see the coral reefs, the fish, the water underneath and all these would be possible through snorkelling or diving activities. You don’t have to make it a regular hobby but you should at least once in your life try this out.
  4. Dancing – this is a great way to release stress. You can just dance to whatever tune you like without caring about the world. Dancing gives you freedom that you enjoy even in just few minutes plus it would be great to find a person to be your dancing partner for life right?
  5. Writing – everyone can write their own story, it’s just that some people are too tired or too lazy to gather and organize their thoughts about things or events. This remains as the best form of expression so just write down everything you feel and you’ll see it feels good afterwards.
These are five out of many hobbies you should definitely try. These are not only good for your social life but moreover these will help you have a healthier and active lifestyle. You might as well do these things while you are young so you can say that you have tried different things in your life.